The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES(r)) is sponsored by The American Radio Relay League and has the longest history of public service of any Amateur Radio emergency communications provider organization. The St. Clair Amateur Radio Club (Club) fully supports the ARES and encourages Club members to register in the ARES and become fully trained for emergency communications service to the public. The Club also supports public service events such as parades, walks and bike rides.
ARES is a registered mark of the American Radio Relay League
RACES - Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
The federal government created RACES after World War II. The RACES FCC rules (97.407) addressed the need for Amateur Radio operators to function as an integral part of a state, county or local Civil Defense agency in time of national emergency or war. The RACES authorization provides the means to continue to serve the public even if the President through the FCC suspends regular Amateur operations. In this situation, the RACES rules provide for use of almost all regular Amateur frequencies, but places strict limits on the types of communications made, and with whom. Operators of RACES stations must follow the strict RACES rules at all times. In view of these restrictions, in St. Clair County, absent a national emergency declaration, Amateur operations are usually conducted under the name Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). However, registration in St. Clair County as an ARES operator is considered a RACES authorization as well.
Click HERE for a current list of ARES/RACES Members. (Updated 10/09/2023)
Click HERE for ARES form.pdf
Click HERE for Amateur Radio Operators manual for St. Clair County. (Updated 7/11/07)
Click HERE for the Beaufort Wind Scale (for general use by ARES / Skywarn members).
FEMA Information
Protective Actions (Protective Actions are research-based actions and advice that anyone can take to prepare for, keep safe during, and recover from a disaster.)
FEMA Shelter In Place Guidance 5-25-2021.pdf
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL or any other local or national organization, is eligible for membership in the ARES. The only qualification, other than possession of an Amateur Radio license, is a sincere desire to serve. Because ARES is an amateur service, only amateurs are eligible for membership. The possession of emergency-powered equipment is desirable, but is not a requirement for membership.
There is a close working relationship between the St. Clair County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) and the St. Clair County Amateur Radio Emergency Service and The St. Clair Amateur Radio Club.
The single point of contact to request Amateur Radio emergency support communications is via the St. Clair County EMA central dispatch, called CENCOM (phone 618-277-3500).
For non-emergency public service support requests, contact one of the Club officers listed on our web home page.
Net Control for the St. Clair County ARES will have direct contact with the St. Clair County Emergency Management Agency or via a designated alternate amateur radio operator. The alternate ARES frequency within St. Clair County is the 444.625 MHz Repeater (St. Clair Amateur Radio UHF Repeater). The main repeater (K9GXU) site is six miles SE of Belleville off of Rt. 15/13.
ARES members licensed to work HF frequencies may be asked to report to one of the following frequencies for "Outside Assistance" requests and/or relay of messages or information to the ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator:
Illlinois ARES Net | 3.905MHz/7.230 MHz | WD9FMB | 1st and 3rd Sunday at 4:30 p.m. |
Illinois Phone Net * | 3.857 MHz | KA9MZJ | M - F 4:45 p.m. & 8:00 a.m. Sunday on 3.940 MHZ |
Illinois Section CW Net | 3.538 Mhz | W9NXM | 7:15 p.m. M - F |
Illinois Sideband Net * | 3.905 MHz | WB9QPM | 6:00 p.m. Daily |
North Central Phone Net* | 3.912 MHZ | KA9MZJ | M - F 7:00 a.m. |
The NOAA weather radio receivers are the MAIN FOCUS FOR ALL HAZARDS ALERTING including the following conditions:
155.475 MHz | Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network (ISPERN) |
155.370 MHz | ALL Police Departments "Point to Point" Base Stations |
154.190 MHz | St. Clair County Fire Dispatch |
155.055 MHz | Illinois Radio Emergency Assistance Channel-Fire, Police, ESDA, etc. |
158.835 MHz | St. Clair County EMA "CENCOM" -all EMA units, Schools. |
Do not act on the information you monitor on these frequencies, always check with NET CONTROL.
147.120 MHz-Primary ----- 145.110 MHz-secondary ----- 146.550 Simplex ---- 446.000 Simplex
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