SCAN Newsletter - February/March 2004







The election of club officers for 2004 is scheduled for the next club meeting, February 26th.  Incumbents are not available to continue as vice president or activities manager and volunteers are needed to run for these positions.  Nominations for these two positions and all other offices remain open until election time at the meeting.

 The new club officer term for 2004 kicks off with a change over at the club dinner March 25th.   This years dinner will be at Skooter’s, 323 East Main St in Mascoutah.  Bring a guest if you like, arrive to socialize at 6:00 PM and start ordering from the menu at 6:30.  This dinner fills the meeting date for March.


The clubs 2003 was again active and productive.  Club meetings were well attended, and offering fellowship, technical discussion, deserts from Mallo’s and programs to enhance the evenings.  Enjoyable member guest dinner meetings were held in March and December.  Two well planned and executed fox hunts were sponsored by the club.  Field day drew a small but dedicated group of participants who had fun contesting and did a great job demonstrating the emergency response capabilities of amateur radio.  Day to day local communications and particularly emergency communications are greatly enhanced with the three repeater systems provided and maintained by the club.  The financial status of the club continues to be very positive.  Membership leveled off this year with few new applicants; however, in the past several years the club roster had increased about 40%.  2003 was a good year for the club, and with your input, 2004 can be bigger and better.  


At the January 29th club meeting the membership formally recognized Eric Bennett, KC9DGB for his volunteer activities with the Metro-East Search and Rescue (MESAR), and the American Red Cross.  Eric, through self study added a ham license to his interests in February 2003.  With license in hand, Eric found a natural path to put it to use with his volunteer service activities.  With the Red Cross he is involved with the Disaster Assessment Team, and with the MESAR, he is becoming fully certified as a Ground Search and Rescue Technician and as a Cave Rescue Technician.  For amateur radio, Eric’s Belleville QTH base station and mobile capabilities are for 2-meters, and for portable operations he has the 2-meters along with 70cm.  Eric joined our club as soon as he was licensed last year, and he has wasted no time getting involved combining ham license, club membership and volunteer service.  Thanks Eric for your dedication and congratulations from your club.  PS: Eric passes along that anyone interested in the MESAR should contact him (257-0836) along with checking out the organizations web site at


2004 club dues, if not already paid, are now overdue.  Don’t be left out and get your membership up to date now!  Pay to the club treasurer at the February 26th meeting or mail now to Bob Thurgood, WA9TUG, 5 Seven Iron Court, Belleville, IL 62220.  Dues are $25 for individuals and $30 for families.

Thirty four club members and their guests enjoyed the December 11th holiday dinner.  We had good food and service, and lots of socializing, door prizes and a fun time playing ham trivia.  Thanks to N9STL for putting the trivia activity together.

An area tornado drill will happen on March 2nd around 10:00 AM.  Amateur radio activity in support of the drill will include RACES/ARES operators reporting personal station availability using emergency net procedures on 147.12 MHz.

VE test sessions in St Clair County are available the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM.  A reservation by testing candidates is required to make the session happen.  For information and reservations, contact Ted, K9HUH at his business, 233-1313 or at home, 235-6152.

Winterfest on January 24th at the Collinsville Convention Center had a large turnout.  A  number of SCARC club members were on hand and in addition to enjoying good conversation, they helped to contribute to the economic success of that event.

A Skywarn severe weather observation class is being offered on March 2nd at 7:00 PM at the O‘Fallon Township High School.  Note this is a change from the previously announced location at the SWIC.  Information on this session is available through Jim Hentzler at 618 622-2978.  Prior reservations are not required and there is no cost.

The ARRL SSB DX Contest on the weekend of 6 and 7 March is a great opportunity to pick up new DXCC entities.  The only way DX stations can make points is to work US and Canadian stations so as the contest progresses, the casual North America participant is in demand.  Try dropping your call on the DX and have fun. 

Thanks to W9TJ and WA9MGX for taking advantage of a slight break in the early February weather to pursue the intermittent noise problem on the clubs 2-meter repeater system.  The problem was isolated to the antenna system.

The Lewis and Clark Radio Club Hamfest is April 24th at the Lewis and Clark College in Godfrey, IL.  Doors open at 7:00 AM.  Also, while some distance away, the Lebanon, MO ARC will sponsor a hamfest April 30th and May 1st.  It’s two days because they are hosting the ARRL Midwest Division Convention.  In addition to a nice facility for vendors and a flea market, this hamfest has a full schedule of forums.

In recognition of their providing resources and support to the club, honorary club memberships for 2004 were approved at the January meeting for Marlyn Thorne, KA9ZAV and Terry Thorne, KA9YZS.  The Thorne’s provide the club’s field day site, and provide the club storage for field day and other emergency communications supplies.

This is your editors last newsletter.  Many thanks to club members that helped me fill the space by passing on news, announcements and spotlight information.    73, Bob, W9BP