Candidates nominated for
club officer positions at the January meeting were elected at the February
meeting without opposition. Last year
when reporting in the SCAN on the officer elections it was suggested that hard
charging new blood should step forward to lead in 2003. Our new president, Bob, KC9AEC has made that
leap and accounts for a significant lowering of the average age of the class of
2003 officers. Congratulations Bob and
thanks for taking on the challenge.
Rounding out the rest of the 2003 officers are: vice president, Bob,
W9BP; secretary, Lou, KB9UEF; treasurer, Bob, WA9TUG; activities manager, Ted,
K9HUH; and sergeant at arms, Red, WA9MGX.
A special thanks and a salute to our outgoing president, Charlie, N9BPK,
for his strong leadership and a job well done. The passing of the gavel took
place at the club dinner on March 27th at the Lantern
Restaurant. Thirty nine members and
guests enjoyed the good food and conversation of that event. It was special to again have charter club
member Bill Burke, W9PAM and his wife joining us for the dinner. The evenings activity was rounded out with
Skip, AA9ZV giving a presentation on a number of communications initiatives
being pursued for the Fairview Heights Red Cross. As the initiatives become a reality there will be significant
opportunity for club members to volunteer and operate communications for the
Red Cross.
The program for the February
club meeting was given by Ted Lohr, N9WDS and Skip Mize, AA9ZV of the Metro
East Search and Rescue (MESAR). The
organization is always on call to respond to a variety of search and rescue
situations including those in rural and urban areas, wilderness, caves,
disasters, etc. It is an all volunteer
organization with member skills including fire fighters, law officers,
paramedics, EMT’s, cave explorers, search dog handlers and communications
specialists. Of interest to our club
are the unique communications requirements especially when working a cave
rescue. The MESAR is currently
recycling an ambulance as a communications van. Volunteers with a ham license are always welcome to become
members of the MESAR. For more
information check out the MESAR web site
and/or call Skip at 346-8655.
Our new club president, Bob
Riddell, KC9AEC developed an interest in two way radio as a youngster, but
delayed until 2001 to include an amateur radio license as part of the radio
activity he pursued over the years. He
obtained his license through self study license manuals and using interactive
study sites on the internet. He hooked
up with our club and became a member after finding club information on the ARRL
Affiliated Club web site. So far Bob’s
operating activity includes a variety of vhf and uhf phone, APRS and
Echolink. He is a regular in RACES/ARES
activity, and enjoys opportunities for emergency communications training and
public service communications support.
He is pursuing a goal to expand operating opportunities in the HF
spectrum. Bob recently got his XYL
Marjorie interested amateur radio and she is now licensed as KC9CXU. This involvement probably went a long way
towards Bob getting approval for the enviable inventory of vhf and uhf
equipment they share. Included are
base, mobile and portable systems capable of operating on all local vhf and uhf
repeaters by both of the family licenses whether at home, driving or on foot.
There are nine systems total which should be an incentive for the families
three young children to also pursue a license.
Bob is enjoying amateur radio and is already contributing his talents so
that others can make the most of our great hobby and service. We are very fortunate to have Bob as our new
president and look forward to his leadership in 2003.
The clubs 2-meter repeater
system is gaining full operational capability.
Interim improvement was the result of installing an old spare controller
unit that worked fine, but at lower power and without a patch capability. That arrangement allowed receiver squelch to
be adjusted to accommodate local power line interference. The best news is the club authorized the
purchase of a new controller with the phone patch capability. The new controller has been installed, but
work remains to get the patch capability fully operational. Prior to installation, Tom, W9TJ, our
dedicated team leader in this effort brought the new controller for viewing at
the March club dinner. Many hours of
hard work have gone into restoring the health of our 2-meter system. We are fortunate to have such a
knowledgeable and dedicated crew to call on.
Thanks to all involved.
The next club meeting is
April 24th. The program will
be presented by John King, W9KXQ, and the topic is the Internet Radio Linking
Project (IRLP). This is another new
mode of operation that will be fun to hear about and see demonstrated.
Volunteers with 2-meter
portable equipment are needed again this year to support the metro-east March
of Dimes WalkAmerica. The event is
April 26th. Volunteers
should work the details with our club point of contact, Kurt, N9PYM. Volunteers will need to report by 8:00AM at
the St Elizabeth’s Hospital complex.
Food and drink are provided after the march.
The May meeting is the 29th
and will be dedicated to planning for Field Day 2003. This years Field Day is the 28th and 29th
of June. Make sure your schedule is
blocked for these dates to take advantage of practicing emergency communications
set up and operation, and contesting along with the fun, food and fellowship
that is a part of Field Day.
Time to start forming teams
and fine tuning equipment for a spring fox hunt. This will be an open event for participants throughout the area. Stay tuned to the club’s 2-meter net for
details as they are worked out.
Welcome to new club members
Fred Hensler, N9FDJ of Fairview Heights and Eric Bennett, KC9DGB of
Belleville. Also, welcome back to the
Wentz’s, Mitzi, KB9PNQ and Dale, KB9JJA.
A couple of local hamfests
coming up. On April 26th the
Lewis and Clark Radio Club hosts their event at the Lewis and Clark Community
College in Godfrey. Starts at 7:00AM
and admission is $5. Note this spring
date is a change from the fall date used in past years. Also, mark your calendars for the
Egyptianfest on June 8th at the Granite City Southwestern Illinois
Mike, KB9WQJ participated in
the CQ SSB WPX contest in 2002 as opportunity to work some new DX in a short
period of time. He really enjoyed
getting involved the event and in appreciation to the contest sponsors, he
forwarded his log. Congratulations are
now in order as Mike was awarded a winners certificate in the rookie low power
category for the “9” call area.
For 2003 our club again has
over 50% of the members also belonging to the ARRL and we are good for another
year to enjoy the advantages of being an ARRL Affiliated Club.
The clubs web site continues
to be updated and can be accessed at If you have ideas or contributions for the web site pass it on to
VE test sessions are
available the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM. A reservation is required to establish the session. For a reservation and information, contact
Ted, K9HUH at 233-1313 or 235-6152.
Mallo’s Pastries makes our
club meetings more enjoyable with complimentary pastries. Show your appreciation and do business with