Newsletter of the St. Clair Amateur Radio Club

PO Box 94, Belleville, IL 62222

April/May 2004

Club Repeaters:  147.120+ / 224.120- / 444.625+


March Meeting

The March meeting was held at Skooter’s Restaurant in Mascoutah.  This meeting marked the installation of club officers for the coming year and a good time was had by all.   The officers are:

                Robert Riddell KC9AEC – President

                Mike Cornwall KB9WQJ – Vice President and Newsletter Editor

                Lou Stark KB9UEF – Secretary

                Bob Thurgood WA9TUG – Treasurer

                Paul (Red) Becker WA9MGX – Sergeant at Arms

                Kurt Hoerz N9PYM – Activities Manager

Let’s get behind them 100%.  A club’s success may start with its officers but it certainly doesn’t end there.  Let’s make 2004 our most interesting and eventful year ever by actively supporting our activities manager with suggestions as well as by participating.



May 15, 2004 at 0930 Mel Price Park – SCARC Foxhunt

June 13, 2004 – Egyptian Radio Club Hamfest 0700-1300  or email Bill Dusenberry, N9OQK


Contest Calendar Highlights

CQ WW WPX Contest CW – 0000Z May 29 thru 2359Z May 30

ARRL June VHF QSO Party – 1800Z June 12 thru 0300Z June 14

ARRL Field Day – 1800Z June 26 thru 2100Z June 27


ARRL Field Day

Field Day is coming.  It’s not too soon to be thinking about Field Day. Field Day is June 26 starting at 1800 UTC and ending June 27 at 2100 UTC.   Start thinking about what operating shift you want to cover…let’s not forget night shifts.  If everyone does a little no one has to do a lot.  You want a good Field Day…make a good Field Day.  “Nuff said.


BPL (Broadband Over Power Lines)

The latest news regarding this threat to the amateur spectrum can be found at  There are several trials under way and the differences of opinion over acceptable levels of interference seem to be heating up.  So far, no trials in our area.  We’ll post any here as they may occur.



New changes will be put into effect to activate amateur radio in the event of a 911-System outage.  This will include activation of the SAME-equipped weather alert radios owned by meany club members.  This is another good reason to own one of these handy devices.



Payment of membership dues is still slow.  If you haven’t yet paid your 2004 dues, the year is a third gone…what are you waiting for?  Let’s get those dues paid so we can stop flogging this horse.


Member Spotlight

Look for a new form on the web site.  We ask that you stop by and fill it out so your humble editor can feature some of our esteemed club members in the member spotlight section.



Remember Mallo’s for all your bakery needs.