SCAN Newsletter of the St. Clair Amateur Radio Club July/Aug
2004 Club
Repeaters: 147.120+ / 224.120- / 444.625+ |
June Meeting
The June meeting was held June 24. There
was a discussion of Skywarn/ARES/RACES
net operating procedures. A committee
was formed to investigate how we can better provide communications for
emergencies including a search for an understudy for Ed Matysik W9RQR
WC9AAE when wearing the RACES hat).
The program’s topic was the Metro-East Search and
Rescue Team (MESAR) presented by Eric Bennett and Ted Lohr N9WDS.
Field Day
ARRL Field Day for the club was once again held at
Mueller’s Antiques. The weather was
wonderful and the club made many QSOs.
Our claimed score is 3376 with 447 CW QSOs and 394 Phone QSOs. As you might expect for this point in the
solar cycle 40 meters was the money band both on Phone and CW. Your humble editor checked the ARRL web site
where scores are available only as far back as 1997 and within that
this is a high for the club.
Congratulations and thanks to all who contributed in any way
since it
could not have been done without you.
Taking part in Field Day were the following club members:
Charlie N9BPK,
Lou KB9UEF, John WA0LIS, Larry K9OI, Red WA9MGX, Aaron KB9HYY, Terry
Marlyn KA9ZAV, Chris KC9AUJ, Tom W9TJ, Mark KC9CXV, Kurt N9PYM, and
Mike KB9WQJ.
BPL News
The United Power Line Council, a pro BPL industry
consortium, has urged the FCC to ignore “armchair amateurs that still
vacuum tube transmitters” and…listen to the real experts on BPL.
Your editor will continue to report on news in the
BPL arena as long as this misguided technology continues to be a threat
to the
amateur radio service.
Member Highlight
One of our club members was featured in an article in
the Belleville News Democrat. Mark,
KC9CXV along with his two brothers were showcased for his brother Joe
who is
helping to rehab a house for a low income family for his Eagle Scout
project. Brothers Mark and Tim are
helping him and he will help them when the time comes for their
projects. Way to go guys!
ARES Committee
The newly formed (as mentioned above) ARES Committee
will meet with Mr. Bob Knight (St. Clair County Emergency Services and
Agency Communications Officer) on July 26th.
The members of this committee are: W9TJ,
N9PYM, AA9ZV, KC9EIZ, and KB9HYY. Thanks
to them for making their time available for this purpose.
Aug 7 0001Z to Aug 8 2359Z 10-10
International Summer Contest SSB
Aug 7 1800Z to Aug 8 0600Z North
American QSO Party CW
Aug 21 0800-1400 local time Missouri
State Convention at the National
Guard Armory in
Aug 21 1800Z to Aug 22 0600Z North American QSO Party
Aug 22 St. Charles ARC Hamfest at the American Legion
Hall in
Sep 4 0000Z to Sep 5 2400Z All Asian DX Contest Phone
Sep 11 1800Z to Sep 13 0300Z ARRL
September VHF QSO Party