SCAN Newsletter of the St. Clair Amateur Radio Club October/November
2004 Club
Repeaters: 147.120+ / 224.120- / 444.625+ |
September Meeting
Planning for the December Holiday Dinner/Meeting were
commenced with Tom W9TJ offering to contact The Lantern Restaurant
possible arrangements for a meeting on Wednesday December 8th
1930 local.
BPL News
In a heartening development, several utilities have
abandoned their BPL trials claiming that the technology isn’t
deployable” However other systems have
been the source of numerous interference complaints and have been asked
by the
ARRL to be shut down, so far without success.
On October 14, the FCC will hold an Open Commission Meeting with
BPL as
agenda item numero uno to consider a Report and Order to change the
regarding BPL. This meeting will be
available as a Realplayer webcast.
Help Wanted
The Illinois State Police, Communications Services
Bureau, has several openings for FCC licensed Radio Technicians, known
C.E.T. or Communication Equipment Technicians. The openings exist
State Police District's 1, 5, 8, 17, and 19. The first four
Districts are in the North-central part of the State and D19 is in the
section of the State. A State exam is
required for the position and if you take the exam, it puts you on the
call up
list for an interview. Your exam status remains for two years and
the higher
your score the better chance of being called for an interview. You must
have an FCC General Radiotelephone License or equivalent (APCO
approved) before
taking the State exam for the position within the Communications
Bureau, Radio Network Service Section.
If anyone is interested, please call Gene (WA9TZL) Kramer’s office at the Illinois State Police, District
11 at 618-346-3664. There are three levels of CET, i.e., CET I,
and CET III.
Member News
Bob Parrish, W9BP, enjoys chasing DX. He
recently had his application for 5-Band
DXCC approved by the ARRL. He also
qualified for the 30,17, and 12 meter endorsements which gives him 8
bands of
DXCC…quite an accomplishment. QSO’s used
were from 1994 to 2004 and antennas used were a Gap Challenger vertical
as well
as an attic mounted G5RV. Bob says that
over 95% of the contacts were made barefoot at 100 watts or less with
remained, primarily those on 80 meters, being made with the assistance
of a 500
watt amplifier. Congrats to Bob!
Contest Calendar Highlights
Illinois QSO Party
1800Z, Oct 17 to 0200Z, Oct 18
for rules
Jamboree on the Air
0001 local Oct 17 to 2359 local Oct
for info
CQ Worldwide DX
Contest, SSB
Oct 30 to 2400Z, Oct 31
ARRL Sweepstakes
Contest, CW
Nov 6 to 0300Z, Nov 8
ARRL Sweepstakes
Contest, SSB
2100Z, Nov 20 to 0300Z, Nov
CQ Worldwide DX
Contest, CW
0000Z, Nov 27 to 2400Z,
Nov 28
Fox Hunt
The K9GXU Foxhunt was held (sort of) on October
9. Charlie N9BPK and Lou KB9UEF were the
hiders with the assistance of Bob KC9AEC.
Harry Saunders W4KJ (SCARC past-president) and his YL Penny also
up at
Your humble editor thinks this sort of poor turnout
reflects rather poorly on the club and urges all amateurs reading this
to get
on out at the next fox hunt whenever that gets scheduled.
If you’ve not hunted before, try it and see
what fun it is. If you have hunted
before, keep your interference-finding skills sharp (we may need it…see
News above). If you think you’re pretty
good, come out and prove it! Nothing on
the line except braggin’ rights.